It’s not an .exe infection but more like hardware on USB devices. How do i know if i have it, well it’s making mouse pointer sluggish and ports are warm or hot to the touch and sometimes Linux reports USB descriptor error. The main problem is that is spreading over USB ports no mater where you put, like TV, set-op boxes and so on. To bypass the problem, you could use an PS/2 optical mouse, if your system has support for that or maybe a wireless but it’s still USB. Waiting for USB 4.0 is a solution, but who knows how long it will take to get devices on that standard and only on that standard. Where this comes from i don’t know, but it can only be fixed by changing all USB devices with that port to a new one and that’s not a cheap solution. Side effects are, mouse button my stop holding click, try doing circles with brush in any graphics app to see if there are any gaps. Accuracy and speed or movement is affected. LINK