Dynamic Intelligence

We need self-learning routers that will much better protect home users, but i guess you get what you paid for. Internet provider don’t do much for user, it’s not resetting router if something stops working or refresh public IP address, so that’s that. EU needs it’s own Internet shield using open standards, who knows how much holes are in devices already. Remembering and saving passwords in Word type document on external storage like USB thumb drive is recommended, we already sold our souls online to social media. I guess we need Unicode passwords, maybe that will somehow help. Web emails should also log any login, how hard is that?

Image source: Flaticon.com

My ideas for movies

The Alien Planet
They found a new planet not far away from earth and when they landed on it, they found alien beings with large head, big eyes and small body.

New World After Old World
Large and deep sinkhole appears out of nowhere in Antarctica. When they dig up some more they found mysterious object from previous civilization that someday lived on earth before us.

The Poles Shift
Sometime in 22nd century poles shift occurs and half of earth is flooded. Then come carnivore aliens to eat us but soon some other race contact us to help us.

Jack on the Jack
A comedy that makes fun from the same words but with different meaning.

Image source: Google from IMDb / cartoon Planet 51

USB virus

It’s not an .exe infection but more like hardware on USB devices. How do i know if i have it, well it’s making mouse pointer sluggish and ports are warm or hot to the touch and sometimes Linux reports USB descriptor error. The main problem is that is spreading over USB ports no mater where you put, like TV, set-op boxes and so on. To bypass the problem, you could use an PS/2 optical mouse, if your system has support for that or maybe a wireless but it’s still USB. Waiting for USB 4.0 is a solution, but who knows how long it will take to get devices on that standard and only on that standard. Where this comes from i don’t know, but it can only be fixed by changing all USB devices with that port to a new one and that’s not a cheap solution. Side effects are, mouse button my stop holding click, try doing circles with brush in any graphics app to see if there are any gaps. Accuracy and speed or movement is affected. LINK

20 years more of tech…

NFS stands for network file system, some day we will have this with zero fragmentation and IP file access system. The Web is faster with opening complex site than a large Word document from local storage. New OS will be unified something similar like gaming consoles use, you just log-in everything is provided for use. Not sure why would we need 128 core CPU and 1TB of RAM for home use but i guess servers already use that for Web services and other more specialised use. Why a faster computer, is software any faster, well it’s not, just some output is. So what’s next, Android tablet is good at one thing and not bad at 10 things so that’s that. Games sells new hardware, but do we really need it, that’s the question?

Time traveler from 2222

I’m Blaze Pristy a time traveler from 2.2.2222 and i have arrived at 2:22 on 2.2.2020 in the afternoon. I came for a book about alchemy, how to make gold from liquid mercury by radiation. We have flying cars there and no airplanes. We eat soft pills that taste like real food by chewing them. Gold is used for high frequency portal making for time travelers. We don’t use computers any more, everything is interconnected by artificial intelligence projecting information and data in peoples mind by request on daily basis. We live in groups in small cities with very high skyscrapers, lifted of the ground by artificial gravity. Everything is provided, no more disease, we live about 120 years, than we recycle our bodies and mind by rebirth and start over. Protection from outside is done by space drones in orbit. More than half of the world population was gone by 22nd century by flood caused by poles shift and with mysterious disease from outside visitors from another planet. Bye!


I have put this together couple years back, Lots of text HTML5 demo, it’s very simple, it has FPS counter and Lots of text button to slow things down and try how good scrolling is on everything loaded. You can run it on any modern browser and on any device. It runs smoother with Firefox but not by design for that browser, it is what it is. Download

PlayStation 4 gaming voyage

I’m not saying that some games can’t be finished but it’s hard to get honest review how hard is the game. After two years of playing on PS4 i must say that two games stand out and that’s Detroit: Become Human and Horizon Zero Dawn, this two are the best, very good are also Uncharted 4, Tomb Raider trilogy and Gran Turismo Sport. Some play GTA and Call of Duty online but not me. Why not using PC, well it sucks and cost a lot. Used games for PS4 do cost some but not a lot, and the price start to drop after couple months after game is released. So who’s better PC or PS4, some say that PlayStation is 10 times slower, sure but it’s also 10 times better optimized. PlayStation it’s just for games and everything else is done by itself, you just use the controller and that’s about it, can’t get any easier than that. PlayStation games also use auto-target system, to play a bit easier than on PC and any LG TV is good enough for PlayStation.